Monday 2 February 2015

mini jam tarts

Itching to bake after a hiatus. 
Start from small and from scratch.  
Presenting a presentable 4some... "ta-rt da!"

Previous batch made was a flop and I went back to trawl on the net for easier and smaller qty version so as not to waste ingredients. Pleasantly surprised to be able to find one. Quite ashamed that I was able to do only 6 tart shells as opposed to the 9 the original recipe stated. 2 went into tummy before I remembered that I needed to record.

My version:
50g self raising flour
25g unsalted butter
I love it that no sugar is added. Just 2 ingredients!
I followed the recipe and used fingers to mix and then squeezed the dough to form it together. Cling wrap and chill 20min.

The jam adds enough sweetness and does not affect overall taste. For jam filling, I just scooped the amount and whisked it to paste like texture before spooning them into the baked tarts. Glad that all went well and though the crust is thick, it's a good attempt!