Wednesday 25 June 2014

chocolate souffle jap cheesecake

Rice Cooker Cake #6

Inspired by Lilis chandra.. I used my rice cooker to cook this chocolate souffle jap cheesecake. Adapting from her source stated in her post. Could not get the dark tone as hers though.


50g cake flour

15g potato flour (no corn flour)

15g unsweetened cocoa

Pinch of salt

-sift all


140g cream cheese (I used 200g as I did not want to keep and store)

20g dark choc

40g butter

80ml milk

2tsp lemon juice

78g yolks (I used about 5 yolks)

- melt cheese, dark choc, butter using double boiler mtd. Add milk and hand whisked till smooth.

- chill a while and then sieved twice. - add to A and mix well.


180g whites (about 6 whites)

90g castor sugar

- I used stand mixer to whisk till stiff peaks formed. Add sugar in 3 batches.

- Scrape 1/3 meringue into mixture A+B and mix well with hand whisk.

- Add the remaining whites and use about spatula to fold till whites cannot be seen.

- pour slowly into rice cooker pot. Bang few times.

- place into rice cooker and press CAKE tab.

- remove and invert cake from pot immediately and let cool completely. - love the wobbly jiggle as u hold the piece up to savor. :)

Chocolate souffle jap cheesecake

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Cocoa Bana Cake v2

Cocoa Bana Cake Version 2!

The first try was goody! My 18mo Kai loves it and kept asking me for more! Happy mummy! Hub thinks it was not sweet but that was fine with me as I never meant it to be sweet anyway since Kai eats that. However, the cake was quite crumbly and I googled to troubleshoot. Seems need to add more oil/water.

So now, this was my 2nd version. Following the same website and method, I added my own modification.


- 200g all purpose flour + 25g unsweetened cocoa powder(sifted)
- 100g sugar 
- 2 eggs 
- 120g butter 
- 3 bananas
- 60ml water
- 3 tsp baking powder (sifted)


  1. Mash bananas in your largest mixing bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix butter with sugar until smooth, then add eggs and water.
  3. Mix both mixtures together then add the flour.
  4. Put in rice cooker pot and press CAKE tab. 
  5. After the BEEP, remove immediately and invert on a rack to cool before slicing.
YES! The cake is not crumbly!

Cocoa Bana Cake 2!

Monday 2 June 2014

Cocoa Bana Cake v1

Cocoa Banana Cake!

Another easy recipe for me. Saw 3 lonesome amigos (bananas) and decided to try using rice cooker again.

Actually I tried to redo my 1st chiffon cake again yesterday morning but failed. I used brown sugar and butter. Too dense. So I'm sticking back to white sugar and vco.

Hunger for cakes set in through the day and finally got to baking a cocoa bana version when the sun sets. Yippee. Worked!

original recipe:

My version:
-200g all purpose flour
-25g cocoa powder (unsweetened)
-3tsp baking powder
(Sift all the above)
-100g sugar (hub says not sweet enough which is my aim as I feed this to my 18mo son)
-3 ripe banas (del monte), mashed
-2 eggs
- 115g butter

-melt butter and set aside to cool.
-whisk eggs together with sugar
-add mashed banas and mix
-add butter and mix
-add sifted flour, cocoa, baking powder slowly and mix
-do not overmix. Leave it lumpy.
-texture may seem dry but once baked it's not an issue.
-pour into rice cooker pot and press CAKE tab.
-remove once done.
-invert and let cool.
-slice and eat! :)

                                     Cocoa Bana Cake